Arts & Culture

How Can Art Motivate Change? How Can Art Hinder Change?

When you think of protests, art is probably not the first thing to come to mind. North Carolina artist Antoine Williams talks about how art has the ability to motivate change and become part of the conversation, but efforts should not end there. This episode was produced by Elena Hernandez. Broadcast from the Shoresides studio,…

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Local Filmmaking’s Opportunity

Nicole Triche is a professor at Elon University and director of All Skate, Everybody Skate, a documentary about the 50-year-old Topsail Island Skate Rink located above a rural post office and the woman who runs it all. Triche discusses why documentaries are such a powerful medium and how filmmakers in small, rural areas are increasingly…

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EEC No Sleep & Power of Design

Design is everything. It has the power to impact us in ways we may not even be aware of. Freelance graphic designer Emma Cooper (EEC No Sleep), of Wilmington, NC discusses the responsibility she feels for using art to create change, the ability to make a living through her art, and the power we hold…

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The Living History of Core Sound Decoys

Hunters and carvers along the Core Sound have been hand-carving wooden duck decoys for well over a century. In this episode, three members of the Core Sound Decoy Carver’s Guild on Harkers Island walk us through the history of that tradition, how it has changed, and what it can teach us about how culture moves….

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What Community Does for Local Artists

It often seems that success in the arts means becoming prominent in a big city, or at least moving somewhere that’s not a small town in Eastern North Carolina. But for Maximillian Mozingo, a mixed medium artist based out of Kinston, North Carolina, working locally has made a tremendous impact on his life and career….

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Surfboard Shaping: An Art or a Craft?

For many, surfboards can be seen as pieces of art more than functional tools. But to shaper Gary Wilson, the function and craft comes first, and the art is an ever evolving and changing trend that follows. Instagram: @kineticsurf Website: Support the show (   Want to Help: Advocate – Urge Support for the…

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A City Councilman’s Journey Making Community Through Art

Kevin Spears cares deeply about how his community is represented. Today, Spears is most known for his community organizing and his seat on Wilmington’s City Council. But years before any of that, Spears was organizing poetry events to build community and provide a platform to those around him to use their art. Support the show…

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How One Teenager Is Broadening Art Education On Harkers Island

For most of her childhood on Harkers Island, Abigail Garland didn’t think she could become an artist because she couldn’t draw. Then, a trip to a museum showed her how much more art could be than lines on canvas. Now, the 18 year old is working to make sure the next generation sees just how…

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Coping With Trauma Through Art: @bipolarlili

Content Warning: This episode deals with self harm and suicide. Olivia Stubblefield has been making art her entire life, but it wasn’t until she reached one of her darkest points that she realized just how much art meant to her. Now, she uses her art and her blog to remind herself and others of how…

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Local Film Festivals in the Wake of a Pandemic

Covid-19 has affected us in almost every aspect of our lives, and the local film festival industry of coastal North Carolina is no exception. Dan Brawley, Chief Instigating Officer of Cucalorus Film Festival discusses how upcoming festivals like Surfalorus are adapting and responding to the challenges of social distancing, while still trying to share the…

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