
Young Activist Speaks Up About Racism and Social Justice Issues

Shecoria Smith, 15, reads an essay she composed about her journey to becoming a young activist. She discusses recent events in the U.S. and her community in coastal North Carolina. Smith talks about what protest means to her, and what she’s doing to contribute to positive future change. Narrated by Emmanuel Ngardinga. Support the show…

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Columbus County: A Series of Disasters

In the last 10 years, disasters like Matthew, Florence, and now COVID-19 have changed the fabric of Columbus County, North Carolina and its community. Wallyce Todd and Gerry Lenahan work at Community CPR, a nonprofit focused on disaster relief in the city of Whiteville – its county’s seat. They talk about how their county is…

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She Rocks Special: Discussing George Floyd, Police Brutality, and Racism

Today, we’ll be diving deep into the whole situation that’s been going on in America. So first up, let me introduce my GRITS sisters starting with: Hi, I’m Jonaiyah. I am Arabia. Hello, I’m Kam. Hi, I’m Naiya I’m Brealyn. And these are our GRITS sisters for tonight to give you guys the tea and…

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It’s Time to Take A Stand

This poem is called it’s time to take a stand. And I want people to realize it’s to really think about it and get it deep in your thoughts and really listen to it. It’s time to take a stand. We’re taking a stand. I’m taking a stand. Racism is a social and institutional power…

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Discussing The Dameon Shepard Case and Ahmaud Arbery Murder

Amari Poindexter, Shecoria Smith, Kamahra Nixon-McKoy, and Brealyn Freeman talk current events, politics, fashion, and music. They discuss the murder of Ahmaud Arbery – and how fear, violence, and racism affects their lives. Produced by Coastal Youth Media and GRITS. Hosted by Amari Poindexter, Shecoria Smith, Brealyn Freeman, and Kamahra Nixon-McKoy. Original music by Shelyah…

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A Church Torn Down Around You

Ethel Hill is a lifetime member of St. Stephen’s AME Zion Church in Morehead City. “I grew up in Morehead City, went away, came back, and I’m still here. So, I love my church.” When Hurricane Florence approached the coast in 2018, Ethel and seven family members decided to ride out the storm in their…

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Raleigh to Morehead in 1974

Ellis Jones had a good job and good life in Raleigh in 1974. He didn’t want to move to the coast. Reluctantly, he drove into Morehead City on a highway 70 shadowed by trees “shaped by nature, and the hurricanes, and the salt… and the fellowship that people have here? It’s incredible.” Jones speaks to…

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Self Esteem and Self Care During COVID-19

On this week’s episode, Amari, Shecoria, Kam, Arabia, and Brealyn talk about self esteem and self care during stay-at-home orders in coastal North Carolina. Produced by Coastal Youth Media and GRITS. Hosted by Amari Poindexter, Shecoria Smith, Arabia Earth, and Kamahra Nixon-McKoy. Original music by Shelyah Raelynn Tucker of TWOTL Music Group. Support the show…

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North River is Low, North River is Home

It’s been nearly two years since Hurricane Florence’s winds devastated homes in North River, a small coastal community in Carteret County, NC. But Yvonne Pittaway still isn’t home.  “Two rooms – if I can get two rooms repaired, I’m going back home.” Pittaway has been staying with her sister in Morehead City. There, as Pittaway…

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On Slowness

The speed of hurricane recovery efforts is pernicious, says Matthew Reddick of Washington, NC. If he had one word to describe how hurricane recovery functioned in his hometown – he would choose ‘slow.’ “Slow to react, slow to get something done.” In a context when folks are out of their homes, and Reddick sees the…

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