
Felony Voter Disenfranchisement

“We are all We The People. When you tell me that I can’t participate in an election, you telling me I’m not a part of We The People…that makes me feel like you are still oppressing me, and you still seeing me as three-fifths of a human.” Daquan Peters is the Second Chance Alliance Coordinator…

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Formerly Incarcerated Voter in NC

Sharif Moore voted for the first time since his release from prison. Corey Purdie from Home Transitional Network joins him as Moore shares how he felt coming back from prison to a home destroyed by Hurricane Florence and his desire to participate in the political process. Home Transitional Network: | | 252-721-9274

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Voting Information For People Who Are Currently And Formerly Incarcerated

Have you been convicted of a felony or currently incarcerated and want to learn about your eligibility to vote in North Carolina? If you have been convicted of a felony or are currently incarcerated, you are eligible to register and vote under the following circumstances… ¿Has sido condenado por un delito grave o actualmente estás…

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